Bookmarks: a daytime Literature group that meets the second Monday of each month in a member’s home. Each member chooses a book and gives a brief review at the meeting. The group welcomes new members.
Daytime Literature: The Daytime Literature Group meets on the third Tuesday of each month at a member’s home. In September, a topic is selected for each month and members read a book relating to the topic. Books are then shared with the group. New members are always welcome.
Book Salon: The Book Salon meets the first Thursday of each month. Group members all read the same book and come together for an evening of discussion. All group members help decide on future books.
Trivial Pursuit: an evening of fun and laughter at various members’ homes. Meetings on the 3rd Thursday evening or 3rd Saturday afternoon. You need not know tons of trivia. Teamwork is a great part of what we do.
Writers Group: a small support group of enthusiastic writers who meet the third Thursday of each month at 1:00 pm at the Attleboro Retirement Village in Langhorne. New members or visitors welcome.
Contact us to find out more about any of these groups.