2019 Proposed Bylaws Changes

The Board of Directors proposes changes to the Branch Bylaws to allow for the possibility of electronic voting on elections and bylaws changes. At present, the bylaws only allow for in-person voting, meaning that those who cannot attend a meeting have no vote.

Section 2. Elections

Current language:
a. Elections shall be held annually at a scheduled annual membership meeting where a quorum is present and voting and written notice has been given at least two (2) weeks in advance.

b. Elections shall be by ballot unless there are only as many nominees as there are board members to be elected, in which case the election may be by a voice vote. Election shall be by a majority vote of those present and voting.

Proposed New Language:
All elections shall be held annually. All elections shall be conducted under the oversight of the Nominating Committee.

All members are encouraged to vote in all elections of the Affiliate. To facilitate voting by members, voting by mail, electronic means or other long-distance methods may be utilized, as they become feasible. Any voting method must be approved by the Board of Directors and functional at least 2 months prior to any meeting at which it will be used.

Elections shall be by secret ballot, show of hands or voice (at an in-person meeting). Election shall be by a majority vote of voting either in person or by other approved methods, or by plurality if there are three (3) or more candidates for a position.

Section 3. Branch Vote.

Current Language:
Provisions of these bylaws not governed by the AAUW Bylaws may be amended at a Branch meeting by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting provided a quorum is present and voting and written notice has been sent to the members at least 14 days prior to the meeting.

Proposed New Language:
Provisions of these bylaws not governed by the AAUW Bylaws may be amended at a Branch meeting by a two-thirds vote of those participating in the vote. All members are encouraged to vote on all non-mandated proposed changes to the bylaws. To facilitate voting by members, voting by mail, electronic means or other long-distance methods may be utilized, as they become feasible. Any voting method must be approved by the Board of Directors and functional at least two months prior to any meeting at which it will be used.